What’s next?
Accompanying Four
Programs in 2023
This year, we’re focusing on these programs:
Escalando Fronteras - Climbing Borders uses climbing and education to strengthen life skills and prevent destructive behaviors in children and adolescents in vulnerable contexts.
EF incorporates emocional and family education, community engagement, and cultural exchange into their programming to deepen their local impact, while sharing their work internationally.
The Young Ascenders works with adopted & foster youth in Fort Collins through climbing and therapy.
Besides her main program, Maribeth is connects a community of like-minded researchers and experts to an effort to learn and develop more effective methods together.
Ambassador Rafael Rebello is collaborating between CEL and MBB to provide resources for the youth climbing program, while himself promoting anti-racism and ecotourism.
CEL is based in Chapada Diamantina and Igatu, where he guides.
“In 2020, amid the new coronavirus pandemic, in a year full of uncertainties and difficulties, a group of friends came together to form the Coletivo Escalada Lençóis!”
Ambassador Andrea Castillo is a professional climber, coach and instructor empowering young women.
She is connecting MBB to her climbing community and inclusivity projects in her home in Ecuador that are creating positive social impact.
Other things we are working on in 2023 …
International Resources,
Escalando Fronteras, Mexico
sharing international Resources
We want to create & share international resources that can benefit vulnerable youth programs, no matter where they are.
Ongoing: We support the translating materials, such as climbing literature, graphics, research studies, and films. Download AAC’s Accidents Report in Spanish here.
In progress: Access to psychologists and climbing therapy. We’re working with experts to offer free training to youth climbing programs.
Calling volunteers: A multilingual database of experts, programs, studies, books, podcasts, etc, to benefit programs and volunteers. (Much like TYO.org, but international.)
Program Accompaniment,
Colectivo Escalada Lençóis, Brazil
“accompanying” Programs
There’s a phrase in French for a larger NGO supporting a project in its budding stages to establish themselves: accompagnement (like “accompany”).
Depending on the program’s needs, a two year commitment includes:
Access to graphic designers
International fundraising pathway
Material for publishing press releases, articles, social media posts
Raising funds for basic operations to run for 2 years
Networking with NGOs and media sources
Volunteers may help contribute their skills to any of the above.
& International Solidarity
“En Voz Alta” Project - Mexico & France
climbing gym adopt-a-program
Climbing gyms may donate their lost-and-found to MBB to give directly to youth programs or allow the sale of gear to go towards youth program needs.
Climbing gyms contact Tiff@MountainsBeyondBorders.org
Gear sorting and shipping is coordinated
Gyms may choose (and even nominate) a youth program to support, if their members have a connection to a program
This is made possible by our used gear reselling partners, Rerouted and Boulder Sports Recycler, and volunteers in California who store and sort gear for youth programs.
If you’d like to connect your climbing gym, just shoot us an email!